Post #2

Post #2

Why I Wouldn't Want Live on Mars

     It seems like the past couple of years Mars has been a pretty hot topic. NASA has a manned Mars mission scheduled for the 2030's, Space-x founder, Elon Musk, claims he can start manned missions as soon as 2022, and a company called Mars One will begin training candidates to colonize the red planet this year. All of this had me thinking. Would I ever want to live on Mars if I had the opportunity? I don't think so.

     A trip to the red planet takes about 150-300 Earth days. You're going to be floating through space for at least a couple of months. Most likely you'll be stuck in a small spacecraft with several other people. Have you ever heard of space madness? It was something people actually worried about a bit before sending people into space. It's basically a mental breakdown caused my micro-gravity and being stuck in claustrophobic isolated environments, such as a space craft. No one has actually experienced space madness, but being on the International Space Station for a couple months is far different from traveling to Mars and living there forever. What if one of my fellow space travelers got space madness? What if I did? Far fetched, maybe, but still a concern I'd have. Not only space madness, but also micrometeorites that could damage spacecraft systems, and ionizing radiation that can poison me or cause cancer and genetic mutations. No thank you.

     Even if I survived the trip, a ticket to Mars is one way, there's really no way to return to Earth included in current missions. I'd be stuck there, on Mars. With not a whole lot to do. After figuring our living situations, what else? Sure I could explore, and risk being swept up in a sand storm, and enjoy the "scenery", but I think I would get sick of the same red, orange, and brown tones of color after the first couple of times out. There are no bodies of water to go enjoy, no woods to walk in, there is only red rock. You'd never be able to "breathe in the fresh air", or feel the sun on your skin. I feel that I'd be stuck playing video games or watching Netflix for eternity, assuming I'd have a decent wifi connection. I'm sure there's something I'd find geologically exciting, but at this moment of time, I don't see any type of exotic appeal to it.

     However, chances are if I were on Mars, it wouldn't be so easy-going. I doubt I'd have tons of time to watch Netflix anyways. We'd be busy in laboratories doing experiments and such. But one thing I have a bit of an issue with, is the fact that I would be some sort of experiment too. A type of Martian lab rat. Constantly being tracked and monitored, no real freedom or privacy. Always being tested or checked or studied for something. Tons of regulations pertaining to health and safety. Always having to be at my best. I understand why that would be necessary, it's just not something I'd want to subject myself to on some foreign planet.

     But mostly, I'd hate Mars simply because I love Earth. I love the history and variety of culture. I love my family and friends and regular habits. I love nature and the scenery, and how it's different everywhere you go. Earth is a very chill place, and I have no reason to leave right now.

     I'm just not cut out to be a Martian, you know?


  1. Hey Lydia! I enjoyed your second blog post, I hadn't gotten a chance to look at your blog yet, and I think your topic is very intriguing. I, personally, hope you blog about Pluto at some point.

  2. I really enjoyedd reading your blog. This is a topic of discussion in my house all the time. My husband would love to live on Mars. Ha!

  3. Earth is just a very chill place. Have some oxygen, have some other carbon-based life forms. Relax, bro.


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